Broad Street

Diagonally opposite Walbrins is a restaurant whose extended ground floor and fascia almost hide the original house. Look above, and its age becomes clearer. This is associated with William Pitt (The Elder), MP for Seaford 1747-54 and was Prime Minister 1766-68. Architecturally it is distinctive because of the building material: squared flint. More about the various treatments of flint in buildings can be found here.

Broad Street is the town’s main shopping street, along with High Street, Clinton Place / Sutton Park Road (A259) and Church Street.

The town boasts a good number of independent stores, some of which have been in existence for many years. Notice, as you walk up, the exterior of Cameron’s Chemists, its hanging clock and the lamp post base with the dog water trough. Look above, and you can estimate the age of the building by the upper flint wall on it and its neighbour.

When you’ve explored Broad Street – if you want to – return to Cameron’s and turn into Croft Lane between it and the cafe at Hurdis House. The latter was once the headquarters of Seaford Urban District Council before it was reduced to a Town Council in 1974.

From the north, 1940s-50s
From the north, 1950s-60s